Conscious Men's Circle:
8-week Workshop
“It’s a model that's made it easier for me to understand where my struggles are coming from and what is missing for me to be my whole self.”
— Tony G., past CMC workshop participant
"It is enormously difficult for a human being to develop to full potential. The struggle with the infantile within us exerts a tremendous 'gravitational' pull against achieving that full adult potential. Nevertheless, we need to fight gravity by dint of hard labor and to build the pyramids of first boyhood and then manhood that constitute the core structures of our masculine Selves. The ancient Maya seldom destroyed earlier structures from their cities' pasts. Like them, we do not want to demolish the pyramids of boyhood, for they were and will always remain generators of power and gateways to energy resources from our primordial past. But we need to get to work laying courses of stone over those old terraces and stairs. We need to build, brick by brick, toward the goal of mature masculinity, until at last we can stand on the high platform at the top, surveying our realm as 'Lord of the Four Quarters.'"
— Excerpt from "King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine" by Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette
Registration for the workshop
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